Solidarity @ LPR

Dear friends,
many thanks for supporting a memorable week in defence of democracy in Iran in the streets of NYC and attending Sussan Deyhim's magical solidarity concert event at LPR/NYC!
UN General Assembly

Images from an unforgettable evening at the UN General Assembly organized by Salman and Samina Ahmad. Photos by
Amber De Vos
Steven Murphy writes:
"When Sussan Dayhim performed, I received chills down my spine; I never heard music like that before. She made me feel at peace and at one with myself. At first I was nervous to go to the concert, considering I am a white Catholic, who has never experienced Muslim music before. When I left, I felt happy and like I made a difference just by showing up.
'Never doubt a small group can make a change, it’s the only thing that ever has' -Jeff Skoll. This quote made a huge impact on me, because when I first entered I was wondering how such a small group could make such a big change, and that quote explained it all. We must break down the barriers of fear; fear is what holds people back from making changes. When I left this concert I felt transformed, my views on the world completely changed..."
Interview with VOA/Behnam Nateghi

VOA Persian TV's Behnam Nateghi interviews avant-garde singer/composer Sussan Deyhim about her activities in support of Iran's "green" protest movement in general, and protests in New York City in particular, against President Ahmadinejad's presence in the United Nation. She speaks about her concert/performance at the club Le Poison Rouge, which included speeches by Iranian and American activists, including feminist writer and activist Eve Ensler. Aired via satellite to Iran by Voice of America Persian TV on Tuesday September 29, 2009. In Persian.

Join us at,
RAW in WAR (Reach All Women in WAR) with the Guardian newspaper as a Media Partner and with the support of Kings Place, present the Anna Politkovskaya Award 2009.
The evening will be hosted by prominent UK journalist, Jon Snow (Channel 4). Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Mairead Maguire will present the award to the brave human rights defender from Iran. We will be remembering Anna and Natalia and their work in pursuit of the truth with Lord Frank Judd, Elena Kudimova (Anna's sister), Eva Hoffman, Gillian Slovo, Azar Nafisi, Lord Nicolas Rea, Mariana Katzarova, (founder of RAW in WAR), and many others who knew Anna and Natalia. The audience will join with the acclaimed musicians Sussan Deyhim, Alfia Nakipbekova, Cellorhythmics and others in remembering Anna and Natalia, two special and brave women, and in honouring the work of the new award winner.
Time: 20:00
Venue: Hall One
Price: £17 Saver Seat £9.50
Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2009

Join Sussan Deyhim and Richard Horowitz at the Abu Dhabi International Film Festival.
They will perform at the pening night Gala and more....
Master class 11AM-12.30PM
Oct 12
Emirate Palace
Duo concert event
Oct 12
Emirate palace
More info soon...
Free download!

Listen to "Azadi" - a track by Sussan Deyhim and the visionary DJ Spooky in support and solidarity with the
Global Day of Action.
download now
Daniel Pearl World Music

Get Sussan Deyhim's news on the
Daniel Pearl World Music site