We are proud to announce the theatrical release of a radical documentary "Meeting Resitance" and a great article in the Huffington Press about "A Jihad for Love," with music by Richard Horowitz and Sussan Deyhim.
Meeting Resitance
MEETING RESISTANCE was recently covered on World News with Charles Gibson on ABC. The story is entitled "The Movie Starring Iraqi Insurgents." A slightly shorter version of the piece is still running on their website:
The full piece will be on:
And please read:
MEETING RESISTANCE directors Steve Connors & Molly Bingham have just returned from a trip to Baghdad where the film was seen by over 850 US troops, US embassy staff, contractors and Iraqis. Audience members at the US military and diplomatic headquarters in Iraq have called the film "essential viewing" and "eye-opening" and MEETING RESISTANCE has now been invited to screen at military institutions across the US to provide alternative perspectives, challenge assumptions, and provide cultural apperception.
Watch the theatrical trailer of MEETING RESISTANCE
MEETING RESISTANCE will open in many cities across the US this fall
Opening Friday October 19
MEETING RESISTANCE will be opening in the following cities:
NEW YORK, NY: Cinema Village, 22 E. 12th St., New York, NY 10003
Opening Friday November 2
LOS ANGELES, CA: Laemmle's Fairfax 3 7907 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, 90048
Directors Steve Connors & Molly Bingham will be in attendance for a Q&A after some screenings
A Jihad for Love

Filmed over 5 1/2 years, in 12 countries and 9 languages, "A Jihad for Love" comes from the heart of Islam. Looking beyond a hostile and war-torn present, this film seeks to reclaim the Islamic concept of a greater Jihad, which can mean 'an inner struggle' or 'to strive in the path of God'. In doing so the film and its remarkable subjects move beyond the narrow concept of 'Jihad' as holy war.
Read essays on the file @ Huffingtonpost.com:
Post # 1 (which is on the front page of the website right now):
My Jihad, in America and Beyond
Post # 2 (from Friday):
Ahmadinejad and the Homosexuality he seeks to deny

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Live show with:
Sussan Deyhim: vox
Cheb i Sabbah: DJ Set
Giovanna Joyce Imbesi: keyboards
Dimitris Mahlis: oud
The Beloved is Here

Sunday October 28th, 2007
Zipper Concert Hall, Los Angeles
Celebrating Rumi's 800th birthday with a mystical, spiritual, musical experience that transcends national and ethnic borders.
Farzin Farhadi & friends will perform selected songs from the album "The Beloved is Here" with a special vocal appearance by
Sussan Deyhim.